Substance Misuse Data


For Tennessee & Knox County

Overdose Deaths per 100,000 residents
Overdose Deaths per 100,000 residents

Fatal Overdose Cases in Knox County
Non Fatal Overdose Cases in Knox County

Naloxone Deployment * Deploment data is based off First Responders.

Heat Map of Naloxone Deployment in Knox County, 2017-2021
Naloxone Deployments by Year, 2017 – 2021
Naloxone Deployments by Age, 2017 – 2021
Yearly Naloxone Deployment in Knox County by Age, 2017- 2021 (N=7,786)

Percent of Knox County high school students who have taken prescription drugs without a prescription.
Percent of Knox County high school students who have used any form of illicit drugs.

Suspected Overdose Death Statistics in Knox County


All4Knox is a joint effort of Knox County and the City of Knoxville with facilitation and coordination support from Metro Drug Coalition, the Knox County District Attorney General’s Office and Knox County Health Department. Our hope is to bring together our governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations, faith-based communities and many others in a coordinated fashion to address the substance misuse epidemic.